by Jay Cormier | Mar 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
When Graeme Jahns and I signed In the Hall of the Mountain King to Burnt Island Games, the one caveat was that they wanted us to make a co-op version for the game as well. OK, no problem. We can do that! Who doesn’t love a challenge?! We reviewed other co-op games and...
by Jay Cormier | Mar 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
What’s great about having a weekly playtest group is that you all get to know each other, know how to give each other feedback properly, and know how to respect each other’s time. You know what’s not great about having a weekly playtest group? It’s forgetting how...
by Jay Cormier | Feb 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
This whole blog is called Fail Faster and it might have all stemmed from this one key learning moment back when Sen and I designed a game called The Dig. We had come up with an idea about archaeologists who must collaborate in order to win. Players would be given some...
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